Usage, description and more for Lila

Gender: Female    Origin: IN India
Also available in Arabic, French, Spanish, Finnish,

Lila is used in

DZAlgeria AUAustralia CACanada GBUnited Kingdom USUnited States CLChile FIFinland ILIsrael MKNorth Macedonia TZTanzania


Lila is a beautiful and enchanting name of Arabic origin. In Arabic, it means "night" or "dark beauty," reflecting a sense of mystery and elegance. The name Lila has gained popularity in various cultures around the world for its unique and alluring sound.

In Hinduism, Lila also holds significance as a concept meaning divine play or cosmic dance, representing the creative and playful nature of the universe. This adds a deeper spiritual dimension to the name, symbolizing joy and harmony.

With its origins rooted in different languages and cultures, Lila is a versatile name that can resonate with people of diverse backgrounds. Whether you appreciate its Arabic meaning of the night or the Hindu concept of divine play, Lila carries a sense of magic and wonder.

If you are drawn to names that evoke beauty, mystery, and spiritual significance, Lila is a wonderful choice that embodies these qualities with grace and elegance. Embrace the allure of the name Lila and let its enchanting charm captivate those around you.