Usage, description and more for Josefina
Gender: Female
Also available in
Josefina is used in
United States
Countries where Josefina has name day
Josefina has a name day in
Austria and Josefina's next name day is December 25.
Josefina has a name day in
Germany and Josefina's next name day is December 25.
Josefina has a name day in
Slovakia and Josefina's next name day is August 6.
Josefina has a name day in
Sweden and Josefina's next name day is Mars 19.
Origin and Meaning of the Name Josefína
The name Josefína is of Spanish origin and is the feminine form of the name Joseph. It is derived from the Hebrew name Yosef, meaning "God will increase" or "God shall add." The name is commonly associated with qualities such as strength, leadership, and resilience.
Popularity and Variants
Josefína is a less common variant of the name Josephine, which is more widely used in English-speaking countries. Variants of the name can be found in various languages, including Josefina in Spanish and Portuguese, Joséphine in French, and Giuseppina in Italian.
Famous Namesakes
Throughout history, there have been notable individuals with the name Josefína or its variants. These include Empress Joséphine, the first wife of Napoleon Bonaparte, and Saint Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese-born former slave who became a nun and was canonized as a saint.
Characteristics and Personality
Those named Josefína are often described as determined, compassionate, and reliable individuals. They tend to be natural leaders with a strong sense of responsibility and a deep desire to help others.
In conclusion, the name Josefína carries with it a rich history and a set of positive attributes that make it a meaningful and timeless choice for parents seeking a name with depth and significance.