Meaning and origin of the name Fulger

    Origin: RO Romania
Also available in German,

Fulger is used in


Countries where Fulger has name day

Fulger has a name day in DEGermany and Fulger's next name day is June 5.


Origin: Fulger is a unique name with Romanian origins.


The name Fulger has a powerful and striking meaning as it translates to "lightning" in Romanian. Lightning is often associated with energy, power, and speed, making Fulger a name that conveys strength and intensity.

In Romanian folklore and mythology, lightning is seen as a force of nature that is both feared and respected for its immense power and ability to bring change. Naming a child Fulger can symbolize qualities of being dynamic, impactful, and transformative.

The name Fulger may not have a specific nameday associated with it, but its unique and bold nature makes it a memorable choice for parents looking for a name that stands out and carries a sense of strength and vitality.
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