Meaning and origin of the name Frazer

Gender: Male     Origin: English

Frazer is used in

GBUnited Kingdom


Frazer is a name of Scottish origin, derived from the surname Fraser. The name Frazer means "strawberry" in Scottish Gaelic. It is a name that exudes sweetness and charm, making it a popular choice for baby boys.

The name Frazer has a rich history and is associated with nobility and strength. It has been used as a given name for centuries and continues to be a timeless choice for parents looking for a unique and meaningful name for their son.

People named Frazer are often described as kind, thoughtful, and charismatic individuals. They possess a natural charm that draws others to them and have a strong sense of loyalty and duty.

If you are considering the name Frazer for your baby boy, you can rest assured that you are choosing a name with a deep and meaningful history, as well as a name that is sure to bring joy and happiness to those who bear it.
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Given name, First name, Baby name, Male / Boy, Where is the name Frazer used? - Where comes the name Frazer from?