Meaning and origin of the name Franciska

Gender: Female    Origin: Slovenian
Also available in Hungarian, Latvian, Swedish,

Franciska is used in

HRCroatia HUHungary LVLatvia SISlovenia SESweden

Countries where Franciska has name day

Franciska has a name day in HRCroatia and Franciska's next name day is Mars 9.
Franciska has a name day in HUHungary and Franciska's next name day is Mars 9.
Franciska has a name day in LVLatvia and Franciska's next name day is January 11 (next year).
Franciska has a name day in SESweden and Franciska's next name day is Februari 9.


Franciska is a feminine given name of Hungarian origin. It is a variant of the name Frances, which has Latin roots.

The name Franciska means "free one" or "from France." It is derived from the Latin word "Franciscus," which means "Frenchman" or "free man."

While Franciska does not have a specific nameday in the traditional calendar, it is celebrated on various dates depending on local customs and traditions.

Franciska is a unique and elegant name that is not very common, making it a distinctive choice for parents looking for a less conventional option.

Other variations:
Variations of the name Franciska include Francesca, Francine, and Fran.

Famous Namesakes:
Notable individuals with the name Franciska include Franciska Gaal, a Hungarian-American actress known for her roles in Hollywood films during the 1930s and 1940s.

Overall, Franciska is a charming name with a rich history and a timeless appeal, making it a lovely choice for a baby girl.
Related to Franciska:
Given name, First name, Baby name, Female / Girl, Where is the name Franciska used? - Where comes the name Franciska from?