Meaning and origin of the name Francine

Gender: Female    Origin: French
Also available in French,

Francine is used in

GBUnited Kingdom USUnited States FRFrance


Origin: The name Francine has French and Latin origins. It is the feminine form of the name Francis.

Meaning: Francine means "free" or "from France". The name carries connotations of independence and strength.

Popularity: Francine is a classic and timeless name that has been used for generations.

Characteristics: People named Francine are often described as intelligent, compassionate, and creative individuals.

Famous Namesakes: Notable individuals with the name Francine include actress Francine York and singer Francine Reed.

Variants: Variants of the name Francine include Francesca and Frances.

Overall: Francine is a beautiful name with a rich history and a lovely meaning, making it a popular choice for parents looking for a name that is both elegant and meaningful.
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