Meaning and origin of the name Fokas

    Origin: GR Greece
Also available in Greek,

Fokas is used in


Countries where Fokas has name day

Fokas has a name day in GRGreece and Fokas's next name day is September 21.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Fokas

The name Fokas has Greek origins and is derived from the Greek word "phokas," which means "seal." In ancient Greece, seals were considered symbols of protection, authority, and authenticity. Therefore, the name Fokas may carry connotations of security, strength, and trustworthiness.

In Greek culture, names often hold significant meanings and are chosen with care to reflect certain qualities or aspirations. Individuals named Fokas may be seen as dependable, loyal, and capable, embodying the characteristics associated with the seal symbol.

If you know someone named Fokas, consider the historical and cultural significance of their name, which may shed light on their personality traits and the values they hold dear. Embracing the meaning behind the name Fokas can provide a deeper understanding of its symbolism and relevance in both past and present contexts.
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