Meaning and origin of the name Flore

Gender: Female    Origin: French
Also available in French,

Flore is used in

USUnited States frFrance


Origin: Latin
Meaning: Flore is a beautiful name of Latin origin, meaning "flower".

Personality Traits:

Flore is known for her gentle and nurturing nature. She is often described as being compassionate, creative, and artistic.

Famous Namesakes:

1. Flore Gravesteijn - Dutch actress known for her versatile performances.
2. Flore Maquin - French artist renowned for her intricate illustrations.

Fun Fact:

In Roman mythology, Flora was the goddess of flowers and springtime. The name Flore pays homage to this ancient deity, symbolizing beauty and growth.

Feel free to embrace the elegance and charm associated with the name Flore!
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Given name, First name, Baby name, Female / Girl, Where is the name Flore used? - Where comes the name Flore from?