Meaning and origin of the name Flannery

Gender: Male     Origin: IE Ireland

Flannery is used in

USUnited States IEIreland

Origin and Meaning of the name Flannery

The name Flannery is of Irish origin and it is derived from the Irish Gaelic name "Flann" which means "ruddy" or "red-haired". The name is often associated with individuals who have red or auburn hair.


While Flannery is not a common name, it carries a unique charm and character. Its rarity adds to its appeal for those seeking a distinctive and individualistic name for their child.

Famous Namesakes

Notable figures with the name Flannery include Flannery O'Connor, a renowned American writer known for her Southern Gothic style of writing. Her works often explore themes of faith, morality, and redemption.

Celebrate Your Name

Embrace the uniqueness of the name Flannery and celebrate the individuality it brings. Whether you have red hair or not, the name carries a rich history and a touch of Irish heritage.


Flannery is a name with a distinctive charm and a connection to Irish roots. Considered uncommon yet intriguing, it is a name that stands out and leaves a lasting impression.
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Given name, First name, Baby name, Male / Boy, Where is the name Flannery used? - Where comes the name Flannery from?