Meaning and origin of the name Firdaus

Gender: Male Female    Origin: Arabic
Also available in Arabic,

Firdaus is used in

EGEgypt SGSingapore MYMalaysia


Firdaus is an Arabic name that is commonly used in Muslim cultures. The name has a beautiful meaning that symbolizes paradise or garden in Arabic. It is often seen as a name that represents a sense of peace, tranquility, and beauty.

In Islamic tradition, Firdaus is associated with the highest level of paradise, making it a highly regarded and cherished name among Muslims. It is believed to be a place of ultimate bliss and happiness, where the righteous are said to dwell for eternity.

The name Firdaus carries a deep spiritual significance and is often chosen by parents who wish to bestow upon their child a name that reflects their hopes and aspirations for a bright and prosperous future. With its heavenly connotations, Firdaus is a name that embodies aspirations for a life filled with peace and joy.

If you or someone you know bears the name Firdaus, it serves as a reminder of the beauty and serenity associated with paradise, and the hope for a life filled with blessings and contentment.
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