Meaning and origin of the name Filomena
Gender: Female
Origin: Portugal
Also available in
Filomena is used in
Switzerland Spain Italy Lithuania Netherlands Brazil Slovakia
Countries where Filomena has name day
Filomena has a name day in
Spain and Filomena's next name day is November 14.
Filomena has a name day in
Italy and Filomena's next name day is July 5.
Filomena has a name day in
Lithuania and Filomena's next name day is July 5.
Filomena has a name day in
Slovakia and Filomena's next name day is December 27.
Origin and Meaning of the Name Filomena
The name Filomena is of Italian origin and is derived from the Greek name "Philomela," which means "lover of song." It is a feminine name that exudes elegance and grace.
Filomena is a classic name that has been used for centuries, particularly in Italy and other European countries. While it may not be as common in some regions today, it continues to be cherished for its beautiful sound and rich history.
In some cultures, Filomena is celebrated on a designated nameday, although the specific date may vary depending on the country or tradition.
Famous Namesakes
Filomena has been the name of several notable individuals throughout history, adding to its timeless appeal. Whether as a historical figure, literary character, or modern-day influencer, those bearing the name Filomena often leave a lasting impact.
Overall Impression
With its musical undertones and sophisticated aura, the name Filomena is a wonderful choice for parents seeking a name that is both unique and full of charm. Its classic origins and poetic meaning make it a name that stands the test of time.
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Given name, First name, Baby name, Female / Girl, Where is the name Filomena used? - Where comes the name Filomena from?