Meaning and origin of the name Filitas
Origin: Turkish
Also available in
Filitas is used in
Countries where Filitas has name day
Filitas has a name day in
Greece and Filitas's next name day is Mars 22.
Origin and Meaning of the Name Filitas
The name Filitas is of Greek origin. It is derived from the Greek word "philotimo," which means a sense of honor, love, and respect for oneself and others. In Greek culture, Filitas embodies the idea of acting with integrity, kindness, and consideration towards others.
Characteristics of Individuals Named Filitas
Individuals with the name Filitas are known for their strong moral compass, compassion, and sense of duty. They are often seen as reliable, trustworthy, and loyal friends and family members. People named Filitas are valued for their honesty and integrity, making them natural leaders and role models.
Celebrities and Famous Figures Named Filitas
While the name Filitas may not be widely recognized in popular culture, individuals bearing this name often leave a lasting impact on those around them through their actions and words. Whether in their personal relationships or professional endeavors, those named Filitas are admired for their principled and ethical approach to life.
Overall, the name Filitas carries a sense of virtue and respect, reflecting the qualities of honor, love, and integrity that are cherished in Greek society.
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