Meaning and origin of the name Feryal

Gender: Female    Origin: Arabic
Also available in Turkish,

Feryal is used in


Origin and Meaning of the Name Feryal

The name Feryal is of Arabic origin. In Arabic, Feryal (فريال) means "beauty" or "charming". It is a name often given to girls and is associated with grace and elegance.

Popularity and Usage

While the name Feryal may not be as common in some parts of the world, it carries a sense of sophistication and uniqueness. Those named Feryal are often seen as individuals with a strong sense of style and poise.

Celebrities and Namesakes

Though not as widely recognized as some other names, there have been notable individuals with the name Feryal. These individuals have often been admired for their talent, beauty, and charm, reflecting the qualities associated with the name itself.

Overall Impression

In conclusion, the name Feryal carries a sense of beauty and elegance. It is a name that evokes images of grace and charm, making it a fitting choice for those who appreciate sophistication and individuality in a name.
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Given name, First name, Baby name, Female / Girl, Where is the name Feryal used? - Where comes the name Feryal from?