Meaning and origin of the name Feliks
Gender: Male
Origin: Polish
Also available in
Feliks is used in
Estonia Croatia Poland Belarus Slovenia
Countries where Feliks has name day
Feliks has a name day in
Estonia and Feliks's next name day is January 14.
Feliks has a name day in
Croatia and Feliks's next name day is January 14.
Feliks has a name day in
Poland and Feliks's next name day is January 14.
Feliks is a name of Latin origin, derived from the word "felix," meaning "fortunate" or "lucky." It is a name that carries positive connotations, symbolizing happiness and good fortune.
In various cultures, the name Feliks is used to signify a sense of prosperity and success. It is a popular name in different parts of the world and has been embraced for its optimistic and auspicious qualities.
If you have a Feliks in your life, consider yourself lucky to have someone who brings joy and positivity wherever they go. The name Feliks is not only a name but also a reflection of a bright and promising future.
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Given name, First name, Baby name, Male / Boy, Where is the name Feliks used? - Where comes the name Feliks from?