Meaning and origin of the name Fedrico

Gender: Male     Origin: IT Italy
Also available in Italian,

Fedrico is used in



Federico is a classic Italian name that originated from the Germanic name Friedrich, which means "peaceful ruler" or "ruler of peace." The name has royal connotations and has been popular in various European countries for centuries.

In addition to its Italian roots, Federico is also commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries. It has a strong and regal sound that exudes sophistication and elegance.

Individuals named Federico are often seen as natural leaders with a calm and diplomatic demeanor. They are known for their ability to bring people together and resolve conflicts in a peaceful manner.

If you are considering the name Federico for your child, you can be sure that it carries a sense of history and tradition while also being a timeless and stylish choice.
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Given name, First name, Baby name, Male / Boy, Where is the name Fedrico used? - Where comes the name Fedrico from?