Meaning and origin of the name Faustyna

    Origin: Polish
Also available in Polish,

Faustyna is used in


Countries where Faustyna has name day

Faustyna has a name day in PLPoland and Faustyna's next name day is September 20.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Faustyna

The name Faustyna has its origins in Latin and is derived from the name Faustus, meaning "lucky" or "fortunate". It is a feminine form of the name Faustus, which was a popular name among early Christians due to its positive connotations.


In some cultures, the name Faustyna is associated with a specific nameday, though this may vary depending on the country and religious traditions.

The name Faustyna carries a sense of positivity and good fortune, making it a charming choice for parents seeking a name with a hopeful and auspicious meaning. Its Latin roots give it a timeless and classic appeal that continues to resonate with many people today.
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