Meaning and origin of the name Fabricio

Gender: Male     Origin: ES Spain
Also available in Spanish, Portuguese,

Fabricio is used in

CLChile COColombia ESSpain PEPeru BRBrazil PTPortugal


Fabricio is a masculine name of Latin origin. It is derived from the Latin word "fabrica," which means "craftsman" or "smith." The name Fabricio carries the connotation of skillfulness and craftsmanship.

In ancient Rome, Fabricio was a common name given to individuals who were skilled in working with their hands, particularly in metalworking or construction. The name reflects qualities such as creativity, precision, and diligence.

Fabricio is a unique and distinguished name that is still used today, symbolizing talent and expertise in various fields. It is a name that resonates with strength, artistry, and a commitment to excellence.
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