Meaning and origin of the name Fabijonas

    Origin: LT Lithuania
Also available in Lithuanian,

Fabijonas is used in


Countries where Fabijonas has name day

Fabijonas has a name day in LTLithuania and Fabijonas's next name day is January 20.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Fabijonas

The name Fabijonas is of Lithuanian origin and is a variant of the Latin name Fabianus.


The name Fabijonas is derived from the Roman family name Fabius, which is of uncertain origin but is thought to possibly mean "bean" in Latin.


The name Fabijonas is not very common and may be more popular in Lithuania or among Lithuanian communities.


Individuals named Fabijonas are often described as intelligent, thoughtful, and detail-oriented. They are known for their analytical nature and strong sense of responsibility.

Famous Namesakes

While the name Fabijonas may not be widely recognized in popular culture, individuals with this name are likely to carry themselves with grace and dignity.

Celebrity Influence

Though there may not be any well-known celebrities with the name Fabijonas, those who bear this name are sure to leave a lasting impression with their unique and distinguished qualities.


In conclusion, the name Fabijonas carries a sense of history and tradition, while also embodying qualities of intelligence and responsibility. It is a name that stands out for its uniqueness and individuality.
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