Usage, description and more for Diana

Gender: Female    Origin: Italian
Also available in Bulgarian, Czech, German, Greek, Spanish, Estonian, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Ukrainian,

Diana is used in

BGBulgaria CZCzechia DKDenmark ATAustria CHSwitzerland DEGermany GRGreece CACanada GBUnited Kingdom IEIreland KEKenya NZNew Zealand USUnited States CLChile ESSpain MXMexico EEEstonia HUHungary ITItaly LTLithuania LVLatvia NONorway PLPoland BRBrazil BYBelarus SKSlovakia SESweden UAUkraine

Countries where Diana has name day

Diana has a name day in CZCzechia and Diana's next name day is January 4 (next year).
Diana has a name day in ATAustria and Diana's next name day is June 10.
Diana has a name day in DEGermany and Diana's next name day is June 9.
Diana has a name day in GRGreece and Diana's next name day is October 18.
Diana has a name day in ESSpain and Diana's next name day is June 10.
Diana has a name day in EEEstonia and Diana's next name day is September 23.
Diana has a name day in HUHungary and Diana's next name day is September 18.
Diana has a name day in LTLithuania and Diana's next name day is August 13.
Diana has a name day in LVLatvia and Diana's next name day is Februari 24.
Diana has a name day in NONorway and Diana's next name day is December 30.
Diana has a name day in PLPoland and Diana's next name day is August 13.
Diana has a name day in SKSlovakia and Diana's next name day is July 1.
Diana has a name day in SESweden and Diana's next name day is January 29 (next year).


Origin: Diána is a name of Greek origin.

Meaning: The name Diána means "divine" or "heavenly" in Greek mythology. It is also associated with the Roman goddess Diana, who was the goddess of the moon, hunting, and childbirth. Diana is often depicted as a symbol of strength, independence, and femininity.

In modern times, the name Diána continues to be popular in various cultures around the world. Its connection to mythology and powerful symbolism make it a timeless and elegant choice for a name.