Meaning and origin of the name Delfo

Gender: Male     Origin: GR Greece
Also available in Italian,

Delfo is used in


Origin and Meaning of the Name Delfo

The name Delfo has its origins in Greek mythology. It is derived from the name of the ancient Greek city of Delphi, which was considered the center of the world by the ancient Greeks.


The name Delfo is believed to mean "dolphin" in Greek. Dolphins were highly regarded in ancient Greek culture and were often associated with themes of protection, guidance, and intelligence.


The name Delfo is not very common and may be considered unique or rare. Its connection to Greek mythology and the symbolism of dolphins make it a distinctive choice for parents looking for a name with historical significance.

Characteristics of Individuals Named Delfo:

Those named Delfo are often seen as intelligent, intuitive, and compassionate individuals. They may have a strong sense of purpose and a natural ability to bring guidance and protection to those around them.

Overall, the name Delfo carries with it a sense of wisdom, grace, and connection to ancient Greek traditions that can make it a meaningful choice for parents seeking a name with depth and significance.
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